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The best place to access all of our content is on our Youtube Channel! So you should make sure that you are subscribed with notifications turned on if you want all WellHouse Content from past shows, stories, and the only show we are currently still actively creating content for: Pints & Perspectives! But since you’re here, you can find our audio podcasts below.

WellHouse Church Podcasts

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A deeper dive.

Do you ever find yourself wanting more when you leave church on Sunday? Find yourself wanting to dig deeper into the text? Well, this is the show for you! This is the show where we take a deeper dive and look closer at the Scriptures from this week's story. We will discuss greater cultural context, original languages, and much much more!

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Living faith daily.

Often times we leave the church gathering with a similar question: “What now?” What do I do with this information that I have just received or how do I carry with me this experience that I just had? We wanted to create a podcast that was dedicated to answering the question: “How do I live as a Christian Monday-Saturday?” Enjoy as we explore politics, creation care, social justice, and so much more!

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Growing your faith.

We wanted a podcast that was dedicated to growing your faith and connecting you and deepening your relationship with God. This is where Practicing Presence comes in! Here you will learn about yourself, how you best connect and experience God, as well as learn new prayer practices and ways to connect with God! This is the podcast for you if you want to deepen your spiritual faith!

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Theology and beer.

Theology and doctrine are important. But often times the conversation about theology can be stale or accusatory if we don’t all believe exactly the same. So, at WellHouse we have taken a minimalist approach, we must agree on the essential of faith; but everything else is just a matter of perspective. So we drink a beer and have casual conversations exploring theology and doctrines of the Christian faith; and it’s a lot of fun!