Who We Are


WellHouse Church is a church seeking to reimagine what the church is. Too many people have been hurt by a church in their past, because church has become something that it was never meant to be: an event or building that we attend.
At WellHouse, we believe that the people of God are the church and that the love of God should be experienced through the people of God. So, WellHouse has returned to a New Testament expression of our faith by meeting in homes and dedicating ourselves to: the teaching of the scriptures, the fellowship of the believers, the breaking of bread together, and praying together for one another. We are focused on being a genuine expression of Christian hospitality and service to our community and the people of our community.

Our Vision


At WellHouse we want to be a place where people can Be Real, Be Relational, and Be Restored. As our leadership was dreaming up this vision, we looked at Scripture and saw that the earliest expressions of the church met in homes and it was rare that all of the beleivers were together. Today, most churches have found themselves spending a large portion of their budget on buildings that they rarely use. Not WellHouse. We want to keep our overhead low so we can spend our money on the things that matter, being the hands and feet of Jesus. So, we meet in the homes of our members for the majority of our meetings. Once per month, we all come together at a rented facility to devote our selves together as the whole church for the purpose of worshipping God together.

Our Values


As our leadership was praying through the vision that God was laying on our heart, we saw the kind of church that we wanted to be recorded right in Scripture. As we looked around and prayed, we knew that God gave us a vision for a church where people could Be Real, Be Relational, and Be Restored. And we found each of our values recorded and expressed in Acts 2:42-47, the earliest expression of the christian church recorded in the New Testament.

Be Real.


Be Real materialized out of our interpretation of Acts 2:44-45: “All who believed were together and had all things in common; they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need.”
In order to identify the people who had need and meet those needs, people had to Be Real about what they had in abundance that could be used for generosity. They also had to Be Real and say that they had need.
For too long the church has been a place that lacked authenticity, that place that you had to put on your best face and manners to attend for fear of judgement, when in reality, why do we need church if we have everything figured out and life is well and dandy.
At WellHouse it is okay to Be Real about your life and struggles, we all have them and we will all Be Real together as we seek spiritual healing so that we can all Be Restored! Come to a place where you can stop pretending and be accepted: Be Real.


Be Relational.


Be Relational materialized out of our interpretation of Acts 2:46: “Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts.”
Church has become an event that we attend. Church has become a building that we identify as the church. What is often forgotten is that the people of God are the church, and the church is designed to be in relationship with one another, manifesting their relationship with God to one another.
Be Relational came from us identifying that relationships are a key part of the faith experience that we have forgotten.
At WellHouse we want to Be Relational, spending time together, caring for one another, sharing meals together, and being the people of God together. Come and experience genuine relationships and Be Relational so that you can experience the love of God through the people of God.


Be Restored.


Be Restored materialized out of our interpretation of Acts 2:47: “praising God and having the goodwill of all the people. And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.”
In this expression of people embodying a lifestyle of Be Real and Be Relational, the community became a place where people could Be Restored.
Our goal at WellHouse is to introduce you to the amazing God that we serve: a God of love, and grace, and mercy, and forgiveness. We want you to Be Restored into a relationship and life with Him. So we embody our values to Be Real and Be Relational, because we know that as the people of God, we should reflect the love of God, the experience of God that we have had. We want you to Be Restored and experience genuine faith and life in God and authentic christian community. So come join us, and Be Restored by the love and grace of Jesus.


Cullen, Founding Pastor

Cullen is the Lead and Founding Pastor of WellHouse Church. Cullen is a gifted communicator who prides himself as being an autobiographical expositor and storyteller. He has been preaching and speaking at all sizes of venues for over a decade at churches, non-profits, high schools, and universities. Cullen received his Bachelor's Degree in Christian Studies and his Master’s Degree in Early Church History from Houston Baptist University. He has also completed his Master of Theological Studies at Baylor University’s George W. Truett Theological Seminary (Go Bears! Sic ‘em!).  

Cullen has two children, his daughter Ezra Shiloh and son Elijah James. Cullen and his family live in Mont Belvieu, Texas, a suburb of Houston.  

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